Relationship coach, Lee Baucom, Ph.D., in this interview with Jack, shares his unique professional twist on how he helps increase the odds that a struggling marriage can not only survive, but prosper.
Lee explains the differences between what a marriage therapist or marriage counselor does versus how relationship coaching works.
A marriage therapist by training, Baucom states, tongue in cheek, that he is a trained marriage therapist in recovery. Therapy often focuses on exploring the past wrongs which created the current situation.
Baucom learned early on that this strategy he was trained in resulted in poor results in the real world. From what he was experiencing, it wasn’t working and he needed to find a different way to help those who were struggling in their marriages.
In relationship coaching, the focus is on moving forward and focusing on yourself, rather than the past and focusing on your partner. This allows the unique situation of working with just one spouse and having successes with that strategy.
This is definitely an interview that is worth listening to or sharing if you or someone you know is experiencing conflicts in their relationships.
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