Books & Authors Front Page Books Share Tweet Share In this episode, Sundance Brennan, Founder of and author of “The Art of SalesFu: 10 Steps to Selling Anything Over the Phone,” reveals how anyone who puts on a headset to sell over the phone can get higher conversion rates AND happier clients which leads to more commissions. During the conversation, Sundance explains how the “Crazy, Magnetic Charm” of great celebrity sales trainers is not something most people are born with. Admitting that he’s a natural introvert, Sundance shares how he’s used that to his advantage over his 20 years of experience in consumer direct sales. Now Sundance is helping others with his unique sales training style and community which cleverly parallels the world of martial arts training with his SalesFu Dojo. The bottom line is that any business in the world; whether its services, products or information, can only succeed through sales. Without sales, there is no business. How strong is your SalesFu? Listen in and find out. “The Art of SalesFu: 10 Steps to Selling Anything Over the Phone” is available on in Kindle, Paperback and Audible editions. To learn more about Sundance Brennan and the SalesFu Dojo, visit