Culture & Society Popular Society & Culture Share Tweet Share Hayley Hines has been involved in wellness for over twenty years. In this interview with Jack, she discusses how she helps employers develop health management programs that go way beyond just sticking a treadmill in the break room. Companies used to make a half-hearted effort at wellness by doing an annual health fair and perhaps adding a healthy food machine in the break room. Armed with years of data from health insurance companies, Hayley helps employers realize that strategic and comprehensive wellness programs impact not only employees’ lives, but the company’s bottom line, as well. In order for a company’s wellness program to succeed, everyone has to be fully involved, from the top-level senior management all the way down the company’s ranks at the bottom. Hayley points out that a culture of health is more than offering choices of healthy food in the cafeteria. For example, according to Hayley, stress management can impact a company’s finances more positively than even a weight control program. Therefore, all aspects of health should be addressed when putting together a program. The impact of having a complete wellness strategy can be felt in as few as a few weeks all the way to seeing the real outcomes and results by the third year of implementation. One example she shared was of a company that had added a health clinic to their campus. Two to three weeks after this, an employee’s life was saved when he was diagnosed to be having a heart attack and was rushed to the emergency room by the clinic’s staff. This interview is eye opening for companies of all sizes. If you own a company or are an employee, this information will definitely be useful. To learn more: