About the author

Jack Mize

Jack Mize is the host of Influencers Radio, Best Selling Author and contributor to Inc.com and Huffington Post, covering Influencers and Innovators in Business, Entrepreneurship, and Personal Growth.


Danielle K. White – Creator of the Natural Beaded Rows™ Hair Extension Method

The world of hair extensions has revolutionized how hair can look – without even having to grow it. In this episode Danielle K. White, creator of Natural Beaded Rows™ Hair Extensions Method and Founder of DKW Styling Salon in Laguna Beach, California, discusses how she has perfected this system and is now helping stylists around […]


Kevin Harrington – Why You Should Become a Key Person of Influence

Kevin Harrington is known as the Inventor of the Infomercial, an original Shark investor on the wildly popular Shark Tank TV series and pioneer in “As Seen on TV” marketing. In this interview Kevin talks with Jack about the importance of positioning yourself as a Key Person of Influence and the role it’s played in […]


Keven Card – Best Selling Author of 321 Down Street

In this inspiring episode Jack welcomes Best Selling Author, Keven Card, discussing his new book, 321 Down Street and how this story was created from not just his own experiences but the experiences of many other parents and their children born with Down Syndrome.


Jody Jelas – Behind The “Boom Formula” For Creating Your Online Program

Boom! This word describes how Jody Jelas, author of the Amazon best seller “LadyBalls: Live Your Ultimate Lifestyle And Build A Business You Freakin’ Love, Just By Being YOU!” approaches life. At the young age of 21, she quit a great job to start a web designing business – before she even knew how to […]


Renee Gambino – Why Comfort & Mediocrity May Be The Biggest Threat To Your Success

Powerhouse Speaker and Income Breakthrough Strategist, Renee Gambino discusses the dilemma business owners face when they tend to stay in that mediocre place because it’s a safe, comfortable place. According to Renee, mediocrity is staying within the status quo. In order to succeed in a crowded marketplace, those wanting success need to stand out and […]


Rachel Bandara – Making The Most of Your “Fresh Start”

“Fresh Start”… this idiom is generally offered as an optimistic way to view a negative life changing circumstance. Perhaps it’s the realization of a failed relationship or dead end job.  In this interview, Coach, Speaker and Writer, Rachel Bandara reveals how she personally turned a “Fresh Start” into the best thing that ever happened to her – and how […]


Ana Rosenberg – Talent Is Not Enough

Business people in the helping industry often struggle with building a successful, profitable business. They invest a lot of time and effort on their craft to be masters at it and then find that talent is not enough.


Mike Gillette – Mind Coach For Peak Performance

Mike Gillette is a master of mastering what he sets out to achieve. In this interview Mike shares how his incredibly diverse background (you have to hear it to believe it) has given him the experiences and knowledge to now help others achieve their most desired goals.


Vinnie Fisher – Investing In A Better You

In this powerful episode Jack speaks with Entrepreneur and highly respected Business Strategist Vinnie Fisher about his new best selling book “The Best Investment: A Better You”.


Hayley Hines – How Employers are Creating a Culture of Health in the Workplace

Hayley Hines has been involved in wellness for over twenty years. In this interview with Jack, she discusses how she helps employers develop health management programs that go way beyond just sticking a treadmill in the break room. Companies used to make a half-hearted effort at wellness by doing an annual health fair and perhaps adding […]


Marjorie Saulson – How To Magnetize Your Message

Marketing consultant, public speaking and networking coach, Marjorie Saulson, has been using her voice both professionally and to grow her own business for years. In this interview with Jack, she shares how she helps business owners and entrepreneurs use their own voice to market and grow their businesses.

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